Wedding childcare just got easier



It is quite often the Bride to be is torn between the choice to have or not to have children at their wedding and it is a decision not taken lightly. 

We understand this feeling all too well and know that your wedding is incredibly important to you! We also know how much you have to plan and organise so letting us take the worry of  'children' and 'childcare' of your ever growing to do list is what we love to do.

We have a number of options for your wedding whether its child friendly or child free.


Our Personal Tammy Nanny Assistant (PTNA).. 

 We come to your venue/home/hotel, we assist you from start to finish working with your schedule. We can dress, feed, change, organise your little ones, assisting with your needs and helping when and where possible. We are on-hand, as and when you need, to ensure your day runs smoothly. This allows more time to focus on you and your guests.
We assist with every part of the day working with the brides schedule.

Our PTNA's can help with; the ceremony, photos, speeches, first dance, meals, naps, bathtime, bedtime… 

See our childcare and event set up options here…