Covid-19 Changes
Dear Valued Customers and Families,
Thank you for your support in either previous, ongoing or future bookings with us.
With the new laws and safety measures in place we have had to temporarily close half of our business services and postpone any upcoming events over the coming months until the Covid-19 outbreak is contained and Federal officials allow events and social activities to take place again. We feel super sad that so many parties and special events are having to be cancelled or postponed and we hope you can remain positive and well during these hard times!
We care deeply about our community's health and well being and very importantly want our children to grow up in a safe and happy environment. There have been a number of new measures we now have in place to allow for us to continue to support our families and community throughout.
Our casual nannies will be continuing to work and care for children in your home allowing you to work at ease and take some of the extra pressure away.
* All nannies representing Timmy and Tammy are following 4sqm social distancing measures and are immediately contacting us if they become ill or if they develop any symptoms relating to Covid-19.
* Our nannies are now required to have completed the Department of Health's COVID-19 Infection Control Module and follow important hygiene measures including frequent handwashing, sanitizing, keeping areas clean, staying indoors with children, distancing measures and wearing gloves when preparing food and feeding. These measures are in place to protect your families and ours.
Our families are required to answer new customary questions when making a booking, must also be following social distancing guidelines and to let us know if someone in your household becomes ill prior to any secured booking.
Please also note that we are unable to take any bookings now over the border in NSW.
Our new guidelines must be met for all casual nanny bookings, we will continue to work with you and do our best to support you during this critical time.
As we are well aware, many parents are keeping children home and are beginning the transition to homeschooling, this can be daunting for most - we all know parenting is tough and balancing your own work, your children's education and keeping your own mental wellbeing healthy isn't going to be easy! Please let us reiterate the word transition! It will take time to adjust, to find balance!